In accordance with the ICOSAHOM tradition, we are pleased to invite all the participants to submit their valuable contributions to the ICOSAHOM 2023 Conference Proceedings, highlighting the latest advancements in high order methods and their applications. The proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering Series.

Submission Guidelines:

* Submission Deadline: February 15, 2024
* Expected Publication Date: October 2024 
Peer Review Process: All submitted contributions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality and integrity of the proceedings.
Page Limits, requirement and Formatting:

  • Plenary Speakers: about 25 pages
  • Other Contributors: about 15 pages

Slightly longer papers can be accepted if necessary. 
Each contribution should include a “Novelty Statement”.  Contributions with main materials from other papers are discouraged.

Please format your contributions using the Springer LNCSE (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering) style file. Please follow this link in order to get information on how to prepare your manuscript. Once there, select "LaTeX Template" and then download the zip file for "contributed books" to access the style file, a sample file and more detailed instructions.

Note: The proceedings will be published in camera-ready version. Consequently, prepare your manuscripts as close to their intended final appearance as possible.

References: Springer asks you to follow the attached document entitled "Mathematical_and_Physical_Sciences.pdf". Please note that the references should be numbered. Users of BibTeX can use the provided spbasic.bst style file provided as part of the zip file with template. Cite any references within the text also by numbers (rather than e.g. by author/year).

Although abstracts are not a part of contributions to the proceedings of the ICOSAHOM conferences, we ask you to provide a short abstract of one or two paragraphs which will be available for free in the electronic version. Using the LaTeX template, this section corresponds to the abstract* environment.

Please number subheadings subsequently, starting with “1”, also if the first subheading is “1 Introduction”. Regarding the numbering of figures, tables, equations, theorems etc. please use the same style as shown in the authsamp.pdf.

If excerpts from copyrighted works (including websites) such as illustrations, tables, animations, or text quotations are included in your manuscript, please obtain permission from the copyright holder (usually the original publisher) for both the print and online format. You can get to most publications via the Copyright Clearance Center at RightsLink ( Only in cases where a publication can’t be found via that service, use the Permission Request Form and send it to the rights owner to obtain permission.

Instructions for submitting your manuscript: