Minisymposium talks

Minisymposium talks

Following the tradition of past ICOSAHOM conferences, an integral part of the event is minisymposium sessions. The aim of these is to highlight special topics and/or recent developments in the theory and application of high-order and spectral methods.

    • Each minisymposium talk will consist of a 25-minute presentation, with an additional five minutes for discussion.
    • Talks should only be submitted by those who have been invited to present in the minisymposium by the minisymposium organizers.
The deadline of abstract submission is extended to April 15, 2023 (KST).
Submission of Abstracts

To submit an abstract for your presentation, you first have to register for the Conference on the online submission system. Once you have done so, there will be an option available for submission. 

Template File(Latex) Online Submission